Through this page, you can submit information about reprehensible matters or report actions that are unethical, illegal or in violation of internal policies. The scheme is to be used to bring matters to light that would not otherwise have come to light.
HR related matters cannot be reported in this system, but must instead be discussed with the immediate manager, director or HR.
It can be reported confidentially with indication of name and contact information or, if desired, 100% anonymously.
All inquiries are treated confidentially and securely.
You can report the matter confidentially. Your identity will be known only to those handling your case in a confidential manner, and your identity will appear anonymous and confidential to others during the investigation.
Your identity will not be disclosed to other individuals within the organization without your consent. Your consent to reveal your identity will only be sought when necessary for internal case processing.
If you use the whistleblower system confidentially, your case and your identity will be recorded, meaning that from the initial contact, you can document all rights of protection as per whistleblower regulations.
It is always recommended to use the confidential reporting option as it ensures the best possible handling of the case and provides the highest level of protection.